
Win for Young Dragon Boater at NSW Sport Awards

The NSW Sport Awards were held last Thursday at the state Parliament House and Chanelle Hosken of Sandy Point Dragons was announced as joint winner of the Young Coach of the Year Award...

CEO & Board Update - May 2018

Dear Members and Supporters, The focus of May and June for the Association has been going to all regions of NSW...

C&T Commitee Appointments

DBNSW would like to announce and welcome the new Competition & Technical Committee that was appointed by the board on...

STORY TIME - KPMG Dragon Boat Racing

Last week KPMG was kind enough to extend an invitation to DBNSW CEO Lucy Warhurst and director Roger Norton to celebrate their dragon boat team's performance at the recent Chinese New Year Races.

CEO & Board Update - February 2018

ear DBNSW Members, Family and Friends. It has been a busy start to the 2018 year with NSW State Championships and Chinese New Year...

Discounted Membership

As confirmed via email last year, each season state registration fees with DBNSW are discounted by 50% starting March 1st...

CEO & Board Update - January 2018

Welcome to DBNSW Members, Family and Friends to 2018. The Directors and Staff hope everyone had a great Christmas and New Year.