2019 Auroras Expression of Interest
Published Fri 10 Aug 2018
Expressions of Interest are being called for Aurora Senior divisions - paddlers, sweeps and drummers.
Check out the promotional video to find out what Aurora's is all about!
Under the current IDBF definitions the following is the divisional age breakdown.
Your age for division determination is the age you will turn any time during 2019.
U24 = up to 23 years old
Premiers = 24 – 39
Senior A = 40 – 49
Senior B = 50 – 59
Senior C = 60 - upwards
If you are interested please double click on the link, read all of the information and complete the form. expression of interest via the link below.
If this doesn’t work please copy the link and paste into your internet browser.
Friday 31st August 2018. Deadline for expressions of interest.
Sat 15th - Sun 16th September - Fitness benchmark testing will be conducted in Sydney for NSW paddlers
30th September - Senior Aurora fitness benchmark results reviewed Aurora's coaching team and invitations extended to divisional selection camp 1.
NSW Fitness benchmarking:
Will take place at F45 Lower Ground Floor, 100 William Street Woolloomooloo.
Please register your preferred date and time for testing via the link
Tanya White and Chris Alexandrou will complete the fitness testing with you.
Selection Camps:
Senior Aurora divisional selection camps will be held during the following dates:
Senior A - November 24-25
Premier and U24 - December 1-2
Senior B - December 8-9
Senior C - December 15-16
The locations for the camps will be announced later when we know the numbers and equipment availability in the states. It is very likely that all camps will be shared between Sydney and Melbourne.
If you have any queries regarding the expression of interest process please direct them to Rex Tindal 0414466901 or Janelle Gamble
AusDBF would like to take this opportunity to thank all who submitted applications for the Aurora Divisional Team Managers and Coaches positions.
It is great to see the wealth of talent that we have amongst our members.
Below is the announcement of Divisional Team Managers and Coaches.
Please be advised that the following people have been appointed as Divisional Team Managers and Coaches for the 14th IDBF World Nations Dragon Boat Championships – Thailand 2019 campaign.
Divisional Team Managers
Junior A - To be advised. Ongoing discussions with applicant.
U24 - Danielle Ryan
Premiers - Craig Summerfield
Senior A - Diane Dugar
Senior B - Sue Beith
Senior C - Ann Hubbard
Divisional Coaches
Junior A - Mary Weaver & Rex Tindal
U24 - John Beinke
Premiers - Chris Alexandrou
Senior A - Martin Pavelka
Senior B - Tanya White
Senior C - Maggie Boyce
Senior C Assistant Coach - Lindy Chester
Stand by Coach if any withdraw – Blair Gamble
Development opportunities for Aurora trainee coaches
Given the number of coach’s applications and there only being six divisions if was felt that it would be a good development opportunity to provide some trainee coach positions.
Discussions were held with the following and they have agreed to participate and work with the above Divisional Coaches to gain additional knowledge and experience as an Aurora coach.
NSW Squad - Trainee coaches working with Chris Alexandrou, Tanya White and Lindy Chester will be Sylvia Wong, Stephanie Ibrahim, and David Kwong.
Janelle Gamble