
CEO & Board Update - April 2018

Published Mon 30 Apr 2018

CEO Report for April 2018

Dear DBNSW Members, Family and Friends. Some of the biggest news for this month was the partnering of DBNSW with Chinese Company Alibaba Group for their business launch in Australia. The event included the delivery of a dragon boat from China to Sydney. Alibaba partnership resulted in an injection of $5,500 cash and donation of a $10,000+ dragon boat. The launch took place successfully on Cockle Bay Darling Harbour on Tue 24 April. Total value to DBNSW is $15,500.

The KPMG winning crew from CNY and members of the Sydney Zodiacs were invited to paddle the Alibaba dragon boat for the launch with the Tmall mascot. There were 70 international press at the launch and dignitaries including the International CEO for Alibaba Daniel Zhang and the Chinese Ambassador to Australia Cheng Jingye.

Alibaba confirmed they have sponsored the International Olympic Committee (IOC) to the 2028 Games in Los Angeles. DBNSW are investigating a future long term relationship with Alibaba.


From the April DBNSW Board Meeting:


April Board Meeting Outcomes/Updates


  • The DBNSW Operations Manager is coordinating logistics of Road Shows to 7 locations in NSW for May & June. Every Road Show to have minimum 2 staff and 2 Directors. There will be a RevSport update, coaching seminar, and presentation on the Strategic Plan review and DBNSW Road Map for the coming 3 years.

  • Easts DB Club received a grant for a new 10s boat. The local member Gabrielle Upton attended the launch at Rose Bay along with the DBNSW Chair and CEO.

  • Greater Sydney Sport Facility Fund has been announced by Premier and Sports Minister 12 Apr 18. Opens 01 Jun 18 with more details released before opening date.

  • The DBNSW Delegation Register and Finance Procedures were reviewed.

  • DBNSW Board approved the 31 Mar 18 finance report.



  • Special General meeting 24 Apr 18 regarding DBNSW auditors via teleconference.  This meeting is for Members to vote on dismissal of current DBNSW auditor, and to go to tender for new auditor. Quorum is 50% Members.

  • Competitions and Technical Committee (C&T) terms of reference were approved 29 Mar 18. DBNSW called for EOI for C&T Committee.

  • Amanda Hioe resigned from the DBNSW board 29 Mar 18 due to accepting a job opportunity OS. We thank Amanda for her contribution to the board and wish her all the best for her future.

  • DBNSW Organisational Health survey results were discussed and agreed had good results, however we wish to improve again in all identified areas.

  • There will be a Member Protection Policy (MPP) education session for Clubs scheduled for 17 Aug 18. Further details to come. In addition there will be a Director/Senior staff MPP session.


  • Confirmed by V Insurance and DBNSW we will give a 2 week paddler grace period to renewal of membership for insurance purposes.

  • CEO recorded a video message as part of the Dragon Boat Paddlathon.

  • DBNSW FT staff attended the Sport NSW Seminars for Child safety including results from Royal Commission, and ‘Where will we be in 2036’ including looking at the necessary footprint for sport growth into future.

  • Invitation received for 2018 Hawkesbury Canoe Classic extended to DBs this year by Kent Heazlett 03 Mar 18.

  • An individual Member made inquiries about increasing the limit on insurance. CEO followed up with V insurance and this is possible via individual Club negotiation.

  • CEO started process of setting up a DBNSW Youth Focus Working Group.



  • CEO has introduced AusDBF Chair Kristin Priest to Phil Jones, CEO of Australian Canoeing (soon to be Paddle Sports Australia), and has put them in touch so they can catch up when Phil is in Perth w/e 23 Mar 18. This did not eventuate.

  • CEO followed up PFD being mandated by AusDBF for 2019. Clarification is PFDs new rule is for juniors at nationals only and states have their own bi-laws.

  • AusDBF sent out Finance Director Job description and nomination form for the board on 26 Mar.

  • CEO emailed AusDBF on 28 Mar 18 re blank medals being given for State v State and how no medals are being engraved for Nationals. AusDBF said at the event this is the status quo for Nationals going forward. DBNSW do not support this view.

  • CCWC memo re qualifications: There are concerns from other states, including protests, about non-qualification at 2018 nationals due to weather. DBNSW support DBV and DBQ on this matter.


Next Board meeting is 15 June 2018.



Lucy Warhurst