
CEO Report & update from the Board (November)

Published Tue 07 Nov 2017



Thank you for the warm welcome from everyone at DBNSW Inc. I have been in the position of CEO since 11 September 2017 and I am thoroughly enjoying getting to know the governance, business and the people. I look forward to meeting everyone in the near future, and seeing more people involved with the great sport of Dragon boats.




Tamsyn Glen is the newly appointed chair of Dragon Boats NSW elected by her fellow directors following the annual general meeting in September 2017. Tamsyn has three years’ experience as a director on the board and in that time has built the skills and confidence necessary to help lead this organisation through its exciting next chapter.

Continuing to implement the organisation’s strategic plan, Tamsyn has been working with the new board members, “welcome Nicola and Andrew”, fellow DBNSW directors and also DBNSW’s new CEO, Lucy Warhurst, who took over from Glenn Tasker (“welcome Lucy”), to guide the organisation and its members through a new phase for the sport in NSW and in Australia.

Congratulations to new DBNSW Directors Nicola Frowen and Andrew Blundell, and re-appointment of Brian Smith.



Nicola Frowen is passionate about paddling and Dragon Boating, she has been a member of Pacific Dragons for 10 years and was recently awarded Life Membership of the club. In her capacity as a Board Director, Nicola is looking to help with the strategic direction, growth, high performance, security and development of our fantastic sport. Nicola has represented NSW in the State Crew and took on the role of NSW State Crew Team Manager from 2009-2012 as well as being a Level 1 Coach and volunteering at many of our State and National regattas.



Andrew Blundell commenced paddling in 2009 with Flamin’ Dragons Port Macquarie, Andrew has held various position within the club including Vice President, President and currently Secretary. For the past three years Andrew has also undertaken the Northern Region Coordinators role, representing the 15 Northern NSW clubs to DBNSW. As the Assistant coach for the Northern Region, Andrew worked with the paddlers and coach manager team to return GOLD to the North and NSW over the past two years at State and National Titles.

Honoured to be elected to the DBNSW Board, Andrew’s passions are strategic direction and club representation and wants to make a difference for our sport at a State and National Level. Married to a fellow Dragon Boater, Andrew spends more time with the sport than he does in his professional role as a Librarian at TAFE NSW.



Brian Smith is a Life Member of Newcastle Hunter Dragon Boat Club (NHDBC) and at last year’s AGM he stood down from the club’s Board after serving 10 years as its Treasurer. He’s a retired school principal, so he brings his organisational, interpersonal and financial management skills to the DBNSW Board, as well as his experience in dragon boating as a competitor (as a paddler and Level 3 sweep) and an AusDBF official.

Brian’s motivation for nominating as a director of DBNSW was to give his time, skills, experience and knowledge in working as part of a dedicated team assisting those engaged in the sport of dragon boating.



  • Grant applications to Sport NSW have been submitted for ‘Road Shows’ for 2018. Confirmation on success or otherwise will be early in the New Year.

  • Talks have been had with Sydney International Regatta Centre (SIRC) in regard to storage of boats on a short and longer term basis. It was agreed in the short term DBNSW boats can stay on wooden sleepers on the grass near the warm-up lake. Boat covers will be ordered. A container may be arranged if necessary.

  • The DBNSW CEO has met with the CEO of Australian Canoeing in regards to having a closer working relationships. Talks went well. The DBNSW CEO also spoke with rowing NSW colleagues.

  • The Board approved the finances for August and September. As is the usual case the surplus is due to the timing of Clubs re-affiliating and paddlers re-joining the Association.

  • The AGM minutes had some minor amendments and will be approved at the next meeting.

  • The EMC indicated that membership numbers were 2,447 as of 28 Sept 2017 (last report 1,855 18 Aug).

  • The EMC provided the 2018 NSW State Team applications. Positions were approved by the Board. Vacant roles were agreed to be re-advertised the following week.

  • The Event report included;

    • The EMC reported on Race 1. On 2 September at SIRC. In attendance were 28 Clubs and 800 competitors across 45 races.

    • Race 2. Will be hosted at SIRC on 8 October. The Western Regional Regatta hosted at Orange is on 5 November and DBNSW is assisting.

    • A tender was put out to organise the CNY event. DBNSW hope to have confirmation of outcome shortly.

  • The Board support a potential Macquarie Media Mini Regatta in late January early February.

  • It was resolved by the Board not to review the DBNSW statement on the SSM postal vote.

  • It was noted FFB Dolphins have agreed to a group of current and ex-Hawkesbury River Dragon members joining their Club and paddling out of Brooklyn Marina. DBNSW donated a 10+ yrs. old EDBF boat.

  • Due to some Clubs dragging DBNSW boats over the ramp it was agreed to send Bank Street Clubs a reminder to care for equipment or there may be a fine.

  • It was a unanimous decision for the CEO to assist the Chair to prepare job descriptions and candidates for two potential independent ‘Appointed Director’ positions to be considered by the Board at the next meeting.

  • Newcastle requested consideration of race fee reductions. This was considered and noted by the Board.

  • Different Strokes requested to have a “colours” photo on the grass at SIRC after race 2. This is fine for a Different Strokes initiative.

  • DBNSW currently have 2 entities, DBNSW Inc. and DBNSW Limited. All business is via the entity DBNSW Inc. The Board of DBNSW Inc., as the sole member of DBNSW Limited, resolves that DBNSW Limited is no longer necessary and directs the Board of DBNSW Limited and the Secretary to take all steps necessary to close the Company Limited by Guarantee. All business will continue to run as always as DBNSW Inc.

The next Board meeting is 8 December 2017.


Lucy Warhurst